Why You Need to Embrace Technology In Your Marketing

Posted: March 21, 2019

“But we’ve always used THIS​ when it comes to email” your boss says.  
“Why would we want to make videos?” clients ask. 

We get it. Digital marketing is constantly in flux and it can be hard to keep up, even when it’s your full-time job.

Here’s why it’s important to put in the time and effort to embrace new technology: 

  1. Stay Organized: Some of the best technology from the last few years can seem difficult to live without. How did we function without task tracking software like Asana or digital calendars that synced automatically to our smart phones? As tools like this grow in adoption and become mainstream, you’ll need to know how to use them to work collaboratively with internal teams and external clients. 
  2. YourCustomers areAdapting: Being well-informed about new technology may not be the highest priority for every client but showing that you can speak with authority on new tech proves that you have value to offer a client. And if they are adapting faster than you, the value that you offer them will decrease. 
  3. Old Tech Dies Out: Remember when brands were using Periscope for livestreaming? Our point exactly. Anyone using Periscope now can’t reach many consumers or potential clients. How about brands that still advertise their Google+ accounts? Unless you’ve moved on to Facebook Live and Instagram Stories, for example, consumers/clients will move on to new technology without you. 
  4. Tech + Business = Life: Some might say that 2019 is the year that work-life balance officially died. With email on our phones and programs like Slack keeping coworkers in contact all hours of the day, we bring home to work and work to home. Technology makes it possible, for better or for worse, and it isn’t going back to the way things used to be. Setting limits can be up to the individual, but if you want to be collaborative and available to clients/consumers, you’ll need to have the tech skills to be reachable. 
  5. Creativity and Healthy Minds: Keeping your brain agile and in a perpetual state of learning isn’t just a message for older folks who have retired. It should be a part of daily life for everyone! Learning new technology, becoming familiar with coding languages, software platforms, and more all require you to learn new skills. And skill stacking not only sets you apart from the competition, but it keeps your brain healthy. How about that?

Here are a few tools that we use if you're looking to learn new tools!

  1.  HubSpot​ (CRM)
  2. Asana​ (Task Manager) 
  3. Hootsuite​ (Social Media Manager) 
  4. Brandcast​ (CMS Website Builder) 
  5. Trello​ (Task Manager) 
  6. Skype For Business​ (Messages App) 
  7. Adobe Creative Cloud​ (Creative Tools) 
  8. WordPress​ (Website Builder) 

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