Why You Need a PPC Specialist

Posted: July 24, 2019

Pay Per Click Ads: The Not So Hidden Advertisement 

Everyone knows what online ads are, but did you know that PPC or pay-per-click ads are one of the most ubiquitous types of online advertisements around? Here are some PPC facts that might make you more interested: 

And those statistics are from 2017 and 2018, showing the relative speed with which PPC ads are evolving both in scope and content. As we approach 2020, it’s not just enough to use paid ads. You must use them well. That’s where the job of a Pay Per Click expert comes into play. 

What Defines a Pay Per Click Expert 

Although many marketers may be familiar with online paid ads and pay per click ads, there are specialists who choose to focus on this subset of marketing exclusively, making them power players in the digital advertisement world. 

Whereas a regular digital marketer may have enough content and SEO knowledge to create a respectable PPC ad, a PPC expert will really be able to play around with the best performing keywords and optimize any areas that don’t have as much competition. Essentially, their job will be to get you more traction by paying less. And who wouldn’t want that? They’ll also keep your ad traffic from being overrun by spam bots and other sources of fraudulent web traffic. 

Our Four Tens Co-Op PPC expert, Elizabeth Laird, is intimately familiar with the impact that having an expert can have on your digital marketing campaign: PPC advertising can be your most efficient advertising channel and your digital marketing channel with the largest opportunity for growth, if managed properly. In the right hands, PPC advertising can produce fantastic lead and branding results for you. Those sound like great reasons to us! 

Why You Need an Expert, Not an Amateur 

In 2019, worldwide digital ad spending will rise by 17.6% to $333.25 billion.** Looking at the statistics, it’s easy to see why PPC ads are a booming part of the digital experience. It’s one of the easiest, most data-driven ways to get a product or service in front of the best rated potential customers. But that competition means that it is also harder than ever to get the coveted “clicks” that make PPC worthwhile at all. Just because you’ve got eyes on an ad, doesn’t mean customers are learning more about your product/service or your company. Just that they saw an ad and didn’t click on it. 

This is what defines a PPC expert: they get those clicks. They can do more than set up a Google Ads account and expect the new leads to come rolling in. On an even larger scope, they can help you decide what campaigns would benefit the most from a PPC ad, as well as more granular questions involving geotargeting. They’ll give you the best answer about what your ad spend budget should be as well. And they’ll do all this with more authority and in a quarter of the time it takes a PPC novice. 

Not convinced? Here’s one lesser known fact that many marketing managers overlooking when deciding to DIY PPC ads. Did you know that major advertising platforms give you an advertising score? It’s similar to how Google ranks websites for certain keywords, but it’s based on you and your ads. Your account history, scope of focus, and the ads themselves will all impact your score, which can in turn impact the success rate of your ads. Any PPC expert who knows their stuff will know about this in detail. 

How to Find a PPC Expert 

Finding a PPC expert takes time and patience, just like finding a digital marketing agency. You want to work with someone who not only knows their stuff but has the evidence to prove that they’ve done the kind of campaigns in the past that you’d like to see. You also want someone who will take the time to get to know your company and goals, so that they can provide the best feedback and customer support for you. 

You may find it makes sense to go with an individual expert or a PPC-based company that has many experts. Whichever makes the most sense for your situation and goals, an expert will be able to help you to do more with less! 

At Four Tens, we know the value of having an expert for something as important as PPC ads. It’s why we expanded our Four Tens Co-Op to take advantage of specialists in situations exactly like this.

To learn more, head over to our About page

** Emarketer - Global Digital Ad Spending, 2019 

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