Why Voiceovers are So Effective for Your Marketing Videos

Posted: April 29, 2019

We’ve talked about in a previous blog post why video content is currently the content king of the Internet. It has the highest engagement rates, the longest  retention rates, and everyone  is using it. 

The question now is how to stand out against everyone else’s video content. The secret here isn’t really a secret at all: the answer is with high quality audio. 

Almost all video content on the major websites auto-plays on silent mode. In response, most content creators have created content that can be understood without audio, with captions and standard background music. 

The key here is that audio is now a territory ripe for takeover. The democratization of video has made it easy for most in-house teams to create bite-sized nuggets of video content for social media. But imperfect audio can turn viewers off in a way that no longer holds true for video (See Instagram Stories, as an example).

This is why videos with great audio storytelling remain rare in a social media world filled with video content. Most importantly though, voice overs make a video easier to understand, and the human element of a voice​ guiding the video along makes it easier for the audience to connect with your content. Still don’t believe us? 

Check out this property video we made without a voice over narration: 

And now check out this video we made that has a professional voice over artist telling the property’s story: 

Although both videos look great, we agree that the second video has more impact overall.

Although we will continue to make video content without voice overs if that’s what a client asks for, we know we’re staying ahead of the curve and making better content if we can demonstrate the value in high quality audio combined with stellar video content. 

Want to read more? Here are a few of our recent blog posts...

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