Posted: October 28, 2019

We’ve talked often in the past about how important video content should be to your overall content marketing strategy. After all, the engagement rates for video content speak for themselves.

Another great opportunity for your content marketing strategy is the end of the year. It’s the time of year when everyone starts publishing their year-end reviews and retrospectives, and create forecasts and predictions for the upcoming new year.

But instead of a bullet point list or a basic blog post, why not add in a bit of video content? We’ve put together a sample of what your year-end video content could look like.

Not sure what your video should be about? Or unsure what direction to give your video creator? Here are a few directions that you can go in that are all Four Tens approved:

Get them laughing. If it’s within your brand guidelines to have a little fun with the tone of your content, make a casual or even silly video. It could be a short video about what your company or team has accomplished this year.

Be a storyteller.​ Maybe you don’t have the wiggle-room to make a funny video. Telling a good story and creating emotional resonance while emphasizing the human connection to your business is a great angle to take as well. Check out this video sample that does a great job ofstorytelling through an interview.​ Why not talk with the people who work at your company and ask them to share their greatest achievements from this year or what they are looking forward to next year? You could also have high performers making predictions on what will happen next year as well.

Skip to the good parts. Don’t have the resources for either of those options? Make a short teaser length animated video highlighting a few achievements from this year and goals for next year. The Four Tens video below is a quick sample of this. You won’t need the same resources for filming an interview. Or if you’re ordering a video, shorter videos are usually less expensive than a longer one.

Don’t let the end of the year pass by in a whirlwind of holiday parties and out of office messages. Take advantage of what a peak time it is to create timely content, tell a story about your company/brand, and reap the benefits of reviewing accomplishments while making future goals.

Shameless self-promotion: We make videos!​ If you’re looking to get started on your 2019 wrap up video content, reach out and let us know.

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