2019 Goals: Mid Year Check-In

Posted: June 20, 2019

How are we doing on those New Year’s Resolutions that we set at the beginning of the year? 

You thought we forgot about them, but we’ve been actively working, month after month, towards improving small bits of our company and how we engage with the community.

We've made successful progress in all areas, with good momentum as we head into the second half of the year: 

  1. Be More Social: We’ve been staying on top of our content calendars for our social channels (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram). Sometimes we’re so busy with work that it becomes a last-minute planning activity to get the content calendars ready, but using tools like Asana to set weekly/monthly reminders keeps us accountable. Although we’ve been keeping up with this, the goal is to get ahead of the calendar more frequently, to create more content in advance. 
  2. Work Smarter, Not Harder: Outsourcing some tasks and expanding our network of professionals to create our Four Tens Co-Op is the definition of working smarter. By using specialists for specific jobs, we’ve been able to complete projects more quickly and with better results than what we could accomplish on our own. Click here to learn more about the Four Tens Co-Op.
  3. Prioritize Work Life Balance: From a software and time-management tool perspective, we’ve got this one on lock. We’re still working on not doing any work on Fridays, but between Asana, Slack, and Trello, we have all our tasks and deadlines available across multiple platforms. Going into the second half of the year, we’re going to work more on our own personal senses of balance, whether that means preventing burn out by taking some time off or outsourcing earlier when a project becomes too demanding. 
  4. Always Be Learning: We’ve continued to keep our HubSpot certifications up-to-date and expanded into new areas as they add certifications. Chelsea has improved her video editing skills, particularly when it comes to animations. Drew has focused on building out our new Four Tens Co-Op, a collection of digital marketing experts that we can rely on if a project calls for more expertise. Something that we’ll continue to develop through the next six months is creating digital marketing and business goals that align with our current and future expectations.
  5. Give Back to the Community: We’re really excited about the organizations we’ve worked with since the beginning of the year: Habitat for Humanity, Feeding America, and the Habitat ReStore. We also have a future volunteering project lined up with our local Humane Society group.

It’s been fun to visit new areas of our community and see tangible results of the work we’ve put in, whether it’s been painting a house built for a veteran family or sorting food for food-insecure families in Hillsborough county. It’s a part of our “corporate culture” that brings us a sense of accomplishment and something we look forward to every month, so expect this one to keep rolling through the end of 2019 and beyond! Have you done a self-reflection on your 2019 goals yet?

Most people forget about their resolutions after the first couple of weeks but checking in with yourself or with an accountability partner (whether it’s a personal or business goal) will keep you focused on reaching your end result! 

Want to read more? Here are a few of our recent blog posts...

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Tampa, FL

+ 1 813 510 5770